News of the World World Cultures Look at Television News Routledge Research
This is the first in-depth study of how television viewers around the world respond to the ever increasing mass of information available from news programmes. News of the World describes and interprets the type of news available and how it is understood in the context of everyday life. This study is based on news analysis, individual interviews and household interviews in seven countries: the United States, India, Mexico, Italy, Denmark, Israel and Belarus. The contributors examine the flow of news across national borders and their findings lead to the formulation of a cross-cultural model which offers a framework for further comparative studies. Contributors: Ann Crigler, Nadia Efimova, Michael Gurevitch, K.
Jayasankar, Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Tamar Liebes, Paolo Mancini, Stefania di Michele, Anjali Monteiro, W. Russell Neuman, Guillermo Orozco-Gomez, Elena Alemagni Pimpinelli, David Swanson. Editor: Klaus Bruhn Jensen is Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen and the director of its research programme,'The Visual Construction of Reality'. He is the author of Making Sense of the News, The Social Semiotics of Mass Communication, and the co-editor of A Handbook of Qualitative Methodologies for Mass Communication Research.
Ann Crigler; Nadia Efimova; Michael Gurevitch; K. Jayasankar; Klaus Bruhn Jensen; Tamar Liebes; Paolo Mancini; Stefania di Michele; Anjali.